Thursday, November 20, 2008

Seeing Spots

So I thought this was cool...I work in an outdoor mall, and right across the parking lot from my store is the Express store. Walking in to work one day a furry leopard coat in the window caught my eye. I thought to myself that I should go look at it sometime. A day or two later I got my beloved Nylon in the mail, and low & behold, my Express coat is in a story about the leopard print trend. At the bottom of the page the prices for all of the products were listed. The coat I wanted was a whopping $168! No way I could afford that. I cut the picture out & posted it on my bulletin board so I could admire it. Maybe I would find one cheaper somewhere...

A week or so later, I got to work a little early, so I thought I'd go in Express just to see if the coat was even still there. It was, & there was only one left in my size. I tried it on & immediately fell in love (which is not common for me). I knew I had to have it, so I put it on hold & called my mom after I got off work that night. I offered to pay for half if she & Dad would pay the other half for an early Christmas present, or strike some sort of deal. I really needed a thick coat since I'm going to Chicago next month! She put me on the phone with my dad, & he said "Well if you love love love it, you've gotta have it then, huh? Just go ahead & put it on the credit card." What a nice daddy! I picked it up the next day!

I just had to share that story, because it makes me so happy : )
Here's the story my coat was in:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

loving animal print right now.


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