Monday, September 8, 2008

Introductions and Explanations

My name is Brittany Haun. I am a senior Journalism student at Middle Tennessee State University, and my Editing teacher has instructed the class to start a blog. I have attempted to start a fashion and beauty blog in the past, but discontinued it because of low readership.

This blog will pertain to beauty and fashion, particularly what I find interesting. Since I am a journalism student, you will probably see parallels drawn between writing and fashion (as in the name of this blog).

This blog is titled Paperdoll, Inke. for these reasons:
Paperdoll is my myspace name. Check out my personal profile if you feel so led.
Paperdoll, I thought, would be a clever name also because of what a paperdoll is, exactly. It's a fashion toy. The purpose of paperdolls is to dress them, create outfits for them. They were definitely a favorite toy of mine when I was young.

The 'Inke.' half of the title is a play on the 'Incorporated' abbreviation. The 'ink' parallels the paperdoll.

So a brief introduction is all you get for now. I'll post a real fashion/beauty blog very soon. (& I PROMISE it won't be boring like this one) Be on the lookout!

1 comment:

Goddess said...

Hey fashion diva!! I love you intro...and the name! I can't wait to see what your next blog will be about!!!


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